Saturday, March 03, 2007

The Largest City in the World

Ok, I'll be honest. I had never heard of Chongqing before this trip, but do you know it is the largest city in the world based on the number of people...31 million! To give you an idea to compare to...that is the population of Japan. (Mount Pleasant has a population of approximately 60,000 if I remember correctly)

As we travelled the streets in Chongqing, I could not help but think that there is A LOT of God's people in this one location and that has to mean something. The other point I will make, there isn't a lot of visible signs of God in this area.

I only have 8 minutes before I have to be downstairs, but I wanted to post some of the pics of Chongqing. I'll write more later today. (Out sailing with friends in Singapore) :)

Love Everyone!

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