Saturday, February 25, 2006

Comforts of Home

As I prepared for this trip to Asia I have had so many feelings, but one that is stronger than the others: SADNESS!!

I will miss my family, my friends, my doggies and the "comforts" of home.

It has brought me back to Acts when Paul & Barnabas are first called upon God to pick up their current "comforts" , put them aside and pick up His mission.

(This happened right after they saw Peter's miraculous escape from prison.)


I am sure they were scared, anxious, worried, frustrated and maybe just a little scared. BUT, I think Acts 13:4 gives us a hint as to where they found the strength & comfort to throw aside the comforts of the world and stand firm in the greatest comforter of all. Barnabas & Paul traveled with the HOLY SPIRT!

And wouldn't you know it...on their first stop (Acts 13:9), He showed up!

My Prayer
Lord, I pray that you send your Holy Spirit down on me to protect and guide me on these travels. Let me recognize and see your work without the "comforts" of home to blur my view.


Courtney said...

Hey Amie!
Yep, of course I'm the first to post on your blog site because I'm supposed to be writing a paper that was due last night, and really don't care to be writing it. Pretty cool travel companion you got there (we'll refer to him as HS). Tell HS I said hello, and anytime he wants to head back to Charleston we could use him around here also...

Maile's party was fun yesterday, but we missed having you there. Ollie did a great job representing. I think Meredith had the party at a horse barn for a reason. We all know about her little "smell" problem, but she pretty much just blended in with the horses-great tactical move. She could crop dust all day and no one would notice. Hope that you got some sleep. Love ya and talk to you soon.

Oliver said...

Hey sweety,

I figured I let your BFF be the first one to post ...
Cool that you figured it out how to add the picture.
Well yeah, I guess I represented at Maile's party ... hope she liked the Polly Pockets stretch limo that we gave her. Not sure, since I have not heard anything further from Meredith or Kendal.
Hopefully I will talk to you later on. Love ya ...

Courtney said...

Happy Monday! (is there such thing?)
I think it's been Monday where you are for 13 hours now... Hope you're enjoying supper. Back to work today... "I'm back in the saddle again". Do you know that song? I think they played it when Tom Hanks started dating again in "Sleepless in Seattle"... anyway. This is the kind of stuff you're supposed to write on a blog, right? bff.. thinking about you, praying for you...
Love you. Courtney

Meredith-HS is Holy Spirit. I was referring to her blog the first day.

Courtney said...

Hi Mrs. Heath.

I have a couple of things you can upholster if you need some practice. Just let me know when you're going to be in town!

Take Care,

Chris said...

Came across your blog today and really liked how you compared your current journey to that of Paul & Barnabas and the giving up of your "comforts."
May the Lord, Jesus Christ be with you as He was with them...